About Jeanne Krause
Jeanne Krause is a recognized expert at utilizing essential oils. After a debilitating illness and seeking out allopathic medical treatment for many years, she discovered how essential oils could repair her body at a cellular level. After a 90-day protocol she reversed and repaired her body systems and was on the road to recovery. While designing the home of Dave and Teri on the Point View Farms, she began working to resolve health issues for their alpacas and had amazing results. She was on to something. After doing before and after fecal testing the results were astonishing. The discovery of a new hope for drug resistant animals was an excitable entity that she began to share with other ranchers. Over the last four years she has helped many ranchers use essential oils and has created a community to like minded people that appreciate what has been in front of them all along….Essential oils.

About Jeanne Krause

Jeanne Krause is a recognized expert at utilizing essential oils. After a debilitating illness and seeking out allopathic medical treatment for many years, she discovered how essential oils could repair her body at a cellular level. After a 90-day protocol she reversed and repaired her body systems and was on the road to recovery. While designing the home of Dave and Teri on the Point View Farms, she began working to resolve health issues for their alpacas and had amazing results. She was on to something. After doing before and after fecal testing the results were astonishing. The discovery of a new hope for drug resistant animals was an excitable entity that she began to share with other ranchers. Over the last four years she has helped many ranchers use essential oils and has created a community to like minded people that appreciate what has been in front of them all along….Essential oils.
Essential Oils and Alpacas
EQUATION FOR SUCCESS "HEALTHY ALPACA = HEALTHY FIBER". In ancient times, alpaca fiber was known as the “fiber of the gods” and was used to make clothing and blankets for royalty. Over time, that sentiment has not changed regarding this high quality natural product. Alpaca fiber continues to be in great demand, creating financial and investment opportunities for dedicated alpaca farmers and fashion industry entrepreneurs. Therefore the health of the animal is critical from many perspectives. Primarily healthy alpaca healthy fiber, which means a positive return on your investment. So, our primary focus as alpaca owners who provide fiber to the commercial and fashion industry, is to keep the animals as healthy as possible.
- Essential Oils 101What is Distillation? It is important to know how an Essential Oil is produced in order to appreciate the potency, purity, and efficacy of the product. The original term “essence” derives from the early practices of separating the bulk “vegetable” from the source of the results of that herb. This essence…
- Not All Oils Are The SameIn a word no, and for good reason due to the variability of the end product. Starting with seed stock, process variabilities introduced by climate, harvesting and extraction processes and perhaps most critically, additives to dilute the final products make comparisons an important topic. So, what is the fundamental question –…
- Peppermint Essential OilWhat is Peppermint Oil and How to Use it for Heat Stress on your Alpacas and other ruminants Peppermint Oil ( menta piperita) is processed through steam distillation using the whole peppermint plant. The oil has a high menthol content and is used to cool and refresh as well as have…
- Essential Oil Stress AwayEssential Oil Stress Away: To Alleviate Stress and Anxiety on Alpacas and other Ruminants Stressful and anxious situations for alpacas and other ruminants can cause several health challenges. It is important to create an environment as stress-free as possible to prevent injuries to yourself and to your animals. Because of the…
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I was called by a team member because one of our Shitzu pups accidentally was stepped on. The vet suggested putting the dog down after several days of no improvment. Jeanne suggested several oils that I use to help repair the injured area. Within three days the pup was up and walking !
Laurence BinderWhen at the AOA show, one of the animals was getting his toenails trimmed and screeching very loud. I walked up to the animal with a specific blend to help animals and people under stress and let her smell the oil. Within seconds the animal became extremely calm and everyone in the entire arena was…
Teri Grembi